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First Week

     This week I started school again. I am already learning so much. In Business 110 we were given several articles to read. One was the executive summary of "The Start-up of You" by Reid Hoffman and Ben Casnocha. It states that it is important to delevep a competitive edge. You don't have to be the best; just better in a "local niche." To do that, you need to work within three main things; assets, aspirations, market realities. By working with what you have, what you want, and what people will pay you for, you can develop an advantage to set you apart. It is important to be flexible and adaptable, and to continue investing in yourself. They also highlighted how vital a good network is because, "people control resources, opportunities, information, and the like." Who we know and how we interact with them can become our biggest asset. It will most like be through someone else that a breakout opportunity presents itself. 
     The next article that I found inspiring and I suggest I look back on whenever I find myself becoming discouraged on this journey is "Living Life as an Entrepreneurial Hero" by Jeff Sandefer. Living life as a entrepreneurial hero means to "live life as an adventure" and to use my talents to help others. It means to dream big, realize challenges will occur, and decide to keep going anyway. If anyway this week has helped to realize that I don't have to have it all figured out now. I can't predict the future but I can have a plan (or three A, B, and Z) that I keep flexible. Failure is apart of being an entrepreneur. If I want to do big things I have to take risks. I have to be willing to step out of that comfort zone and put myself out there. Doing something that I am passionate about will help me get further than just trying to make money. 


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