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Live like you were dying.


As a type 7 in the enneagram this week's lessons in business 110 hit home for me. I've always felt such pressure to live life to the fullest. It can lead to feeling like I'm missing out on something; that there is something greater out there and I just haven't found it yet. As the first few chapters of "Launching Leaders" by Steven A. Hitz reminded me, as long as I'm following God's path I'm headed in the right direction. Sometimes, I would even say often, God wants us to make the decisions for ourselves. That is why having stepping stones and knowing where you want to end up is so important. Without an end goal in mind it is easy to wander aimlessly, still following the commandments, but not necessarily doing what God has in mind for you. In the document "Stars and Steppingstones" written by Jeff Sandefer he stated "The objective is not to craft a perfect plan... You can, however, chart a course toward a meaningful star...and lay stepping stones to mark each step in the right direction." He goes on to say "Picking your own star involves understanding what is important to you in life, and what is likely to remain important." To elaborate he mentions that we all have different roles in life and that we can only be good at two or three of them at a time. At our funerals what do we want the speakers to mention 1st, or 2nd or 3rd? How do we feel about the ones not mentioned? "In this exercise are the sparks of a calling."

     In his talk "What is your calling in life?" Jeffery A. Thompson speaks of discovering our spiritual gifts in order to find our callings. That might mean a specific gift that leads you to know exactly what you want to have a career in or it might mean bringing "your unique spiritual gifts to whatever position the Lord blesses you with." As we follow the Lord and hone the gifts He has given us we will be led on a path of fulfillment. 

I also created an entrepreneurial life plan (see: "life plan" on laptop) this week and enjoyed the excitement for the future it generated. 


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