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Backlinks and Analytics

Backlinks   There are many strategy's for building backlinks and what will work best for you won't work the best for everyone else. It's important to find your target audiences and the places they spend their time online. That will help you to know how to build your own strategy.  My strategy contains consistent posting on social media sites that have been found to be where my audience is located such as Pinterest and Instagram. I will also include LinkedIn for the purposes of my backlinks. It's important that your social media backlinks are shareable and highly valuable. You need high quality content if you want it to do well. I will also be reaching out to authors to include products and backlinks onto their sites.  Analytics Google Analytics is a helpful tool to gain insights on your target audience. You can find ages, gender, location, even browsers and device types. Another thing analytics is great at gathering information about is how long people are staying on pa
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Social Media

     This week we learned about using social media for search engine optimization and networking. Social media is a fantastic tool that is free to use. (Of course, you can spend money to help your efforts.) With many people on one or more platform, social media is helpful for reaching a large audience and establishing authority in the industry.       In order to take full advantage it is important to do your due diligence. This includes researching where your audience spends their time online to discover which platforms would be most beneficial to use. It's also important to discover what keeps your audience engaged to keep them coming back. Their engagement means they will also be sharing your content and gathering others. So, it vital to make sure that your content is in fact shareable.      Using social media for SEO means that you still need to on top of keywords and calls to action. These things are important to making your content searchable. As keywords are ever changing, yo


This week we worked on our search engine optimization. There are many things that going into this but important things to include are unique value, keyword optimization, social media sharable, and user experience. Each of these play key parts in your website being included high up on a search engine.  Having unique value sets you apart and keeps you revenant. You need to be able to offer something in a way that no one else is.  Keywords are how people find you. If you aren't using them correctly then when people are searching for something you are able to help them with you will not be included in their results.  Nothing turns people away like a poor user experience. It creates your first impression and reflects your customer service. If people don't have a good experience on your interface they are going to trust what you have to offer.  Social media is a key tool these days. It's a way to build a brand and you can use it for free. It offers a quick way to get word of mout


 This week we learned about calculating ROI's or return on investment of our Google Ads. Google has their own help page to assist with this.  Return on investment (ROI) - Google Ads Help We also looked into creating better keywords and ads.  " How do you determine which keywords are most effective in your campaign? Remove ineffective keywords Add resources to strengthen the most effective keywords Better align the keywords with the proper ad and landing page Limit impressions on irrelevant searches" This quick list comes directly from our assignment and gives an overview on getting the most out of your keywords. To dive a little deeper, ineffective keywords have low conversions, low clicks, or are rarely searched, essentially doing nothing for you. To strengthen your effective keywords you want to find similar ones that would also work well. Align your keys words with your landing page for better relevance. And lastly, to limit impressions that are irrelevant you'll w

Quality Score and Google Analytics

 Quality Score      A Google Ads quality score is like a check engine light. It shows when something is in need of attention but doesn't tell you exactly what. The score is best off of three things. Your click through rate, the relevance of your ad to what people search for and the quality of your landing page. It's an overall performance score at how well you are doing at giving the consumer what they want. A few tips for raising your score are: 1. Optimize the mobile site. Be sure it is easy to navigate and has a fast loading time. 2. Answer the user's search. 3. Treat data responsibly.  Google Analytics      Google Analytics gathers data on your user. It tell you how long they are staying on a page as well has how they navigate to each page. It also shares your demographic. This data can help you further optimize your site, generate leads, drive sales, and raise brand awareness. 

Writing an Ad

 This week we focused on writing and finalizing our Google Ads. I believe I have come up with some good headlines and descriptions, but I won't really know until we put them into action and see how they do. I'm excited to test out the ads and adjust as needed. I think going through with an actual campaign will be the best way to learn the ins and outs.  This is a youtube video our teacher shared last week that is a pretty thorough explanation of Google ads. What I will be testing out.  Headlines  Bookish Merchandise Prose Before Bros Prose Before Bros Co Literary Community Literary Designs Popular Book Designs Book Club Fits Shop Bookish Tees Merch for Readers Book Lover Merch Inspired by Bookstagram Inspired by Booktok Inspired by Indie Authors Niche Bookish Apparel Descriptions Book Sweatshirts and Tees Inspired by Your Favorite Books | Literary Community | Shop Online Now Bookish Appare

GoogleAd Keywords

Finding good keywords and avoiding bad ones is necessary for well preforming GoogleAd campaign.  A  good keyword is high quality, and relevant. It describes your product and targets your audience. It will be niche to your business and competitive in your field. It sounds like a tall order but being able to hone in your keywords will drive business to your site and offer a higher conversion rate.  Avoiding bad keywords will help to save money and grow your business quicker. I want to make my brand known as quickly as possible in order to help with word of mouth and get into the market I am striving for. If you start out advertising to the wrong market it could cause more problems trying to get into the RIGHT one.  It's similar to an indie author that I know. She started out making friend people in the "clean reads" community and really loves it but her books are a little more heavy than people in that community read so she has trouble marketing it to them.